Opening hours

Wednesday - Sunday 10:00 - 12:00 hour
12:30 - 17:00 hour


adults: 60 CZK  
reduced: 40 CZK  
family 130 CZK  

The central facilities of the Regional Museum are located in a historical renaissance building of the Arnoldin’s House (Arnoldinovský dům), at the Masaryk square nr. 97, in Brandýs nad Labem– Stará Boleslav.

The first floor of the Museum offers a permanent exposition focused on the Brandýsko Region, and a recently restored gallery that serves for temporary expositions. The ground floor of the Arnoldin’s House invites visitors to its precious historical rooms, where the original vaulted ceilings have been preserved. The rooms also serve as a place for exhibitions, lectures and cultural events. There is also a specialized library, offering scholarly and research services to the public.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the Museum, and we hope that you will find here both knowledge and entertainment.

Visit us

Arnoldin’s House

Masarykovo náměstí 97
Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav
250 01
Czech Republic

GPS: 50.1856794N, 14.6590200E
phone: +420 326 396 600
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 mapa brandys nad labem

Where to find us

07. 02. 2017 | Brandýs nad Labem

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